Check the App!
Kunsthalle Mannheim’s app is a multimedia guide through the Kunsthalle, enabling visitors to download media tours onto their mobile phones and so be shown through the museum.
Under "Guide", users will find all the information about current exhibitions as well as works on display from the collection of Kunsthalle Mannheim. Just a few clicks will not only take them to information about the work; they can also view its exact location in the Kunsthalle and save the works they like best as favourites. In this way, a visit to the museum can be planned perfectly in advance. The "Map" function is particularly helpful for visitors who are in the Kunsthalle already. Here, when clicking on a specific exhibition space, the app shows many of the works exhibited there, along with the most relevant information. Individual audios for specific works can be accessed via the "Search" function and by entering the three-digit audio guide number on the exhibit label. Audio tours (also to be found under "Guide") of special exhibitions and some collection rooms, as well as special tours, e.g. for children, complete the multimedia museum experience.
Kunsthalle Mannheim’s app is available as a free download in Apple Store or Google Play Store.
The KuMa App was developed by Kunsthalle Mannheim together with its digital partner Klangerfinder GmbH & Co KG with generous support from the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung gGmbH and MFG Baden-Württemberg mbH.