In July 2022, the exhibition space at the Kunsthalle will be transformed into a walk-in installation. Partly equipped with tablets and headphones, the visitors move through scenarios of a big city and slip into the role of different protagonists. URBAN NATURE is the name of the latest production by the author-director team Rimini Protokoll, which realizes exhibition and theater projects internationally. In 2022, the Kunsthalle Mannheim will realize the multimedia and interactive exhibition project in cooperation with the National Theater Mannheim. URBAN NATURE deals with the transformation of urban spaces from various economic perspectives. The city becomes a magnifying glass for the extremes of society. The audience is invited to immerse themselves in the lives of seven real people, "experts of everyday life", who open the view to their personal experiences, survival strategies and utopias. Every eight minutes, the audience changes perspective and views the cityscape through the eyes of an investment advisor, a prison guard, a child, or a young woman who has lived on the street.
The collective Rimini Protokoll was founded in 2000 by Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi and Daniel Wetzel. For over 20 years they have been realizing internationally successful exhibition and theater projects in various constellations. Many of their works are characterized by a playful approach to technology. In 2013, for example, they resorted for the first time to the interactive format of video walks for the project "Situation Rooms" in order to make the conflicts of global arms trade immersively tangible. The collective's exhibition projects have already been shown in numerous institutions worldwide, such as the Heidelberger Kunstverein, the Albertinum in Dresden, the Kunsthaus Zürich, the Royal Academy of Arts London, and the Brooklyn Museum New York. With the project URBAN NATURE, Rimini Protokoll continues its long-standing collaboration with scenographer Dominic Huber.
URBAN NATURE is a production of Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona - CCCB and Rimini Apparat. In co-production with Kunsthalle Mannheim, Nationaltheater Mannheim and Grec Festival de Barcelona. Funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation, by the Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media and by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe. In collaboration with Mediapro and Institut del Teatre.
Funded by:
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Project supporters in Mannheim:
Media partner:
The tour of the exhibition will take approximately 70 minutes. Due to the special structure of the exhibition, there will be admission slots for visitors every eight minutes. The Kunsthalle therefore recommends purchasing a timeslot ticket via online-ticket shop. Spontaneous visits are also possible during the entire exhibition period, but there may be waiting times.
The joint project of the Kunsthalle Mannheim and the Nationaltheater Mannheim offers a unique experience in the exhibition rooms on the first floor of the Hector Building, which allows each visitor an individual experience. At the individual stations, they virtually meet the seven experts and slip into their role for about eight minutes before they are forwarded to the next station via screens. In this way, they immerse themselves in the reality of life of an investment consultant with a luxurious office and a tennis court on the roof, as well as in the world of a homeless person looking for a place to sleep or in that of a former graphic designer who grows marijuana in order to have more time and money for her child. URBAN NATURE constantly encourages visitors to change their perspective, to question their own realities, and thus enables completely unexpected and unique insights and experiences.