One main focus of the Collection of Graphics of the Kunsthalle Mannheim is, in analogy to the Collection of Sculptures, a large set of drawings and graphic prints by sculptors. The exhibition From Surface to Space seeks to show the special characteristics of sculptors’ drawings. Features determining many of the selected works include large formats, the color black, strong spatial relations, and pronounced corporeality.
On view are prints by artists such as Eduardo Chillida, Madeleine Dietz or Richard Serra. Chillida and Dietz operate with particularly deep etchings in their works, since this can vividly convey the impression of steel. Serra creates a plasticity that lends his prints an all but bodily effect. Prints thus become a match for drawings because only they can create the desired effect.
Works displaying a pictoriality related to the body by Henry Moore, Alberto Giacometti, Alfred Lörcher, or Reg Butler are on display, while the abstracted or abstract drawings by Wilfried Hagebölling, François Lafranca, Ansgar Nierhoff, and others from the period after 1945 can be read as translations of steel sculptures and their more powerful physical presence.
The works by Andrea Zaumseil, Christo or Magdalena Jetelová are fascinating because they develop a pictorial language that is largely independent of their sculptural work, while at the same time engaging with themes typical of them.
Construction drawings for specific sculptures by David Rabinovitch, Hans-Jörg Voth or Fabrizio Plessi are featured that deal with the localization of these works in space.
Finally, Ben Muthofer succeeds in creating the impression of a folded three-dimensionality with flat silkscreens and lacquer etchings.
Curator: Dr. Thomas Köllhofer
Works by Edgar Augustin, Reg Butler, John Cage, Lynn Chadwick, Eduardo Chillida, Christo, Arnold D´Altri, Madeleine Dietz, Helga Föhl, Lucio Fontana, Henry Moore, Alberto Giacometti, Robert Graham, Wilfried Hageböllig, Werner Haypeter, Magdalena Jetelová, Zoltán Kemény, Werner Knaupp, Francois Lafranca, Alfred Lörcher, Christoph M. Loos, Wilhelm Loth, Bernhard Luginbühl, Ben Muthofer, Hans Nagel, Ansgar Nierhoff, Fabrizio Plessi, Werner Pokorny, Heinz-Günther Prager, David Rabinowitch, Ulrich Rückriem, Fred Sandback, Martin Schmidt, Michael Schoenholtz, Richard Serra, Jens Trimpin, Jean Tinguely, Günter Uecker, Hannsjörg Voth, Andrea Zaumseil