STUDIO: Itamar Gov

Breker CCTV
07/06/2023 to 11/26/2023


Itamar Gov: Breker CCTV, Videostill, 2023, Courtesy of the artist and Zilberman Berlin/Istanbul © Itamar Gov

For his exhibition in the STUDIO of the Kunsthalle, Itamar Gov (*1989 in Tel Aviv) continues his exploration of the complex relations between history, ideology, and aesthetics. With his multi-channel video installation “Breker CCTV” the artist responds to the fact that today there are more than three hundred works on view in (semi-)public space in Germany and Austria that were created by artists who appear on the so-called “Gottbegnadeten-Liste” (“God-gifted list”) from 1944, that is, artists who were patronized under National Socialism.

Gov had sixteen of these works filmed in situ, all nude sculptures from the years 1933 to 1945. Based on the footage, he created an installation that brings into mind a video surveillance room. Recipients are engaged to join in observing the sculptures and to address the question of whether they are posing a potential danger.

Curator: Pia Goebel

The exhibition is sponsored by:

This exhibition has been made possible by a benefit auction by ARTgenossen, the Young Friends of the Kunsthalle Mannheim.

Publikation STUDIO-Ausstellung Itamar Gov Kunsthalle Mannheim


STUDIO: Itamar Gov - Breker CCTV

Published by Kunsthalle Mannheim
Editors: Johan Holten, Pia Goebel
With an essay by Pia Goebel and an interview with Itamar Gov
32 pages, 21 color illustrations
Book size: 24 x 17 cm
Deutsch / Englisch
Softcover / Design: Alexander Lorenz
Publication Date: Juli 2023
Price: 5 Euro


Credits: Itamar Gov: Breker CCTV, 2023, video stills, Courtesy of the artist and Zilberman Berlin/Istanbul © Itamar Gov


The STUDIO is where Kunsthalle Mannheim displays contemporary art by living artists. The STUDIO provides space for unfettered transdisciplinary experiments. This is where visitors can see changing exhibitions of new work by international artists working on surprising themes and questions.


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