Research at the Kunsthalle Mannheim from 2011 to 2018
Provenance research is devoted to the origin of works of art and their ownership (provenance). Especially during the Nazi era, this cannot always be clarified beyond doubt. From November 2011 to July 2018, the Kunsthalle therefore systematically researched the provenance of all the paintings, sculptures and graphic works created before 1945 in its holdings, aiming to identify possible Nazi-looted art. In a first step, the provenance of 667 paintings and sculptures was investigated. Of these, ultimately 17 works of art were suspected of being looted. Subsequently, the Collection of Prints and Drawings was also examined. Here, 25 sheets were classified as suspicious and the etching "Der Trinker" (The Drinker) by Wilhelm Leibl was clearly identified as Nazi-looted art.
All possibly incriminated works as well as the Leibl graphic were reported to the Lost Art database. All known facts about the works can be viewed there.
In (RE-)DISCOVERY - THE KUNSTHALLE 1933 TO 1945 AND THE CONSEQUENCES, the Kunsthalle worked through its own history during National Socialism. The permanent exhibition illustrated the effects of the National Socialist era on the Kunsthalle, its collection and the people associated with the museum even to the present day. One focus was on over 500 works permanently lost by the museum in 1937, during the confiscation of "degenerate art". The exhibition also drew attention to the propaganda exhibition "Kulturbolschewistische Bilder" (Cultural Bolshevik Paintings), which was shown in Mannheim in 1933 and marked the onset of the National Socialist smear campaign against the modern avant-garde. The exhibition catalogue is available in Kunsthalle Mannheim’s museum shop. In addition, the exhibition can be explored in a digital tour.
Virtual tour through the exhibition (Re-)Discovering - The Kunsthalle Mannheim 1933 to 1945 and its consequences

Overview of suspicious works
Ernst Barlach, Der singende Mann, 1928
Edgar Degas, Danseuse - position de quatrième devant sur la jambe gauche, première étude, 1883-1911
Hugo Freiherr von Habermann, Damenbildnis, 1884
Karl Hofer, Gehöft (Tessiner Landschaft), 1933
Abraham Hulk, Seestück, Fischerboote an der holländischen Küste, undatiert
Willy Jaeckel, Frau Jaeckel, um 1928
Alexej von Jawlensky, Heilandsgesicht. Wächter, 1920
Wilhelm Leibl, Der Trinker, 1874
László Moholy-Nagy, Z IX, 1924
Fritz Schaefler, Kreuzabnahme (bzw. Verspottung), 1917
Emil Lugo, Landschaft bei Raumünzach, 1883
Theo Michau, Waldlandschaft mit flämischem Bauerngehöft, 1730
Theodor Schindler, Sitzender weiblicher Akt, 1913
Georg Schrimpf, Lesende am Fenster, 1925/26
Max Slevogt, Weinlese in der Pfalz, 1927
Unbekannt, Erzählender Soldat in einer Bauernstube, undatiert
Unbekannter Künstler, Frau mit Hund, undatiert
Unbekannt, Zigeunerin (nach Frans Hals), undatiert
Ernst Fries (1801 - 1833), Brustbildnis der Catarina Neri, 1826
Ernst Fries (1801 - 1833), Haus mit Laubengang am Golf von Neapel, 1826
Edward von Steinle (1810 - 1886), Luigi di Subiaco, ohne Datierung
Ernst Fries (1801 - 1833), Blick von der Höhe auf Welmich mit Burg Maus und Rheintal, 1821
Carl Graeb (1816 - 1884), Rodels, 1868
Franz Kobell (1749 - 1822), Südliche Landschaft mit Gewässer und Bäumen, um 1780
Franz Seraph Hanfstaengl (1804 - 1877), Mädchen auf einem Balkon am Dresdener Elbe-Ufer, ohne Datierung
Johannes Leuzinger (Lebensdaten unbekannt), Blick in einen Akademiesaal, 1826
Friedrich Metz (1820 - 1901), Italienische Landschaft (Nemi d. 18ten Juli 76), 1876
Heinrich Reinhold (1788 - 1825), Blick auf Borsano, ohne Datierung
Heinrich Reinhold (1788 - 1825), Watzmann von Eigen aus, 1818
Theophil Raillard (1819 - 1894), Bei Nyegaard, Nordschleswig, ohne Datierung
Johann Martin von Rohden (1778 - 1868), Castel a mare, um 1832 / 1833
Friedrich Philipp Reinhold (1779 - 1840), Baumstudie, ohne Datierung
Franz von Rohden (1817 - 1903), Neapel 15. Sept. 1832, 1832
Johann Martin von Rohden (1778 - 1868), Sonntag 6. Tg. S. mit Pesto, um 1832 / 1833
Johann Martin von Rohden (1778 - 1868), Blick auf eine italienische Stadt am Fuße des Gebirges, um 1832 / 1833
Philipp Rumpf (1821 - 1896), Waldweg mit Dame und kleinem Jungen, ohne Datierung
Johann Wilhelm Schirmer (1807 - 1863), Vigna Barberini 13. Okt., ohne Datierung
Joseph Thürmer (1789 - 1833), Blick durch antike Tempelruine auf eine italienische Stadt, 1817
Edmund Kanoldt (1845 - 1904), Felspartie, um 1890
Edmund Kanoldt (1845 - 1904), Felsen am Meer, um 1890
Theodor Verhas (1811 - 1872), Hof im Heidelberger Schloß (Ottheinrichsbau), ohne Datierung