Current Emphasis of the Collection

Kaari Upson: Mother's legs, 2020, Kunsthalle Mannheim, erworben mit Mitteln der Wilhelm Müller-Stiftung 2020, Bild: Kunsthalle Mannheim/Elmar Witt

On the way to more diversity

In terms of profiling the collection through recent and the very latest art, two tendencies are vital to the Kunsthalle today: on the one hand, sculpture that pushes basic plastic concepts to their limits with new material compositions (Benjamin Appel, Nairy Baghramian, Alicja Kwade, Sebastian Kuhn, Nasan Tur, Johannes Wald), and on the other, contemporary works with references to Dada, Duchamp and Pop Art (John Bock, Bogomir Ecker, Thomas Hirschhorn, Michaela Melian).
The director of the Kunsthalle, Johan Holten, is also keen to build up the collection more diversely and to expand it to include more works by female artists or artists from other cultural backgrounds. The Kunsthalle has made a start on this with the acquisition of works by Nevin Aladağ, Kaari Upson and Hu Xiayuan.